How were the first steps of the Hysteroscopy in China?


Professor Lin Yuanying (Picture 1) is classmate of Lin Qiaozhi at Peking Union Medical College and worked in England for many years. In 1965 Professor Lin was working in the Shanghai first Hospital and introduced hysteroscopy to China firstly. As a visiting doctor I was learning in the Shanghai first hospital and took part in the manufacture and application of hysteroscopy with Professor Lin and get success. In 1990 I inherited Professor Lins unfulfilled wish, after reading a paper of AUB treated by transcervical resection of endometrium (TCRE) 16 cases reported in BMJ 1987 written by Adam Magos, trying to perform the first case of TCRE in China. From the beginning we just perform TCRE to instead hysterectomy. But at the same time will encounter and removed some other intrauterine lesions, such as leiomyoma, polyp, septum, IUAs and foreign bodies. It is interesting that after operation these five intrauterine lesions always got pregnantimprove reproductive significantly. Since then TCRM, TCRP, TCRA, TCRS, TCRF etc. classical hysteroscopic surgeries became routine operation and widely used in my country.




答:林元英教授(1)是我国著名妇产科林巧稚医生在协和医学院的同班同学。他在英国工作了许多年。1965年林教授在上海第一医院工作, 首先将宫腔镜介绍到中国。那年我作为访问医生在上海第一医院学习,参加了林教授的关于宫腔镜的研制和试用,获得成功。1990年,我继承林教授的遗愿,在阅读1987年英国医学杂志Adam Mago撰写的一篇宫腔镜子宫内膜切除术治疗异常子宫出血16例报道的论文后,在中国用前列腺电切镜成功地做了第一例TCRE术。开始我们只做TCRE代替子宫切除术。但术时会遇其他子宫内病变,如子宫平滑肌瘤、子宫内膜息肉、子宫纵隔、宫腔粘连和宫腔内异物。有趣的是,这5种子宫内病变宫腔镜术后会怀孕,明显改善了生殖预后。此后TCRMTCRPTCRATCRSTCRF等经典宫腔镜手术成为我国应用非常广泛的常规手术。
