问:What are your reflections about the importance of keeping in touch with others hysteroscopists all over the world?

答:I am much honored for grow and work in this era. My country unprecedented strong, has the ability to send us go abroad to exchange knowledge and technology. Keep in touch with famous hysteroscopists all over the world is very import for one grows up to avoid detour. Professor Bruhat MA, Wattiez A, Canis M, Nicolas Castaing in France, Wamsteker K, Emanuel MH and de’ Block from The Netherland, Rafael Valle, Franklin Loffer, Linda Bradly, Tommaso Falcone,Harry Rich in USA, TC Li, Peter O'Donovan in England, Jacques Donnez, Stephen Gordts in Belginm, Felix Wong, Peter Maher in Australia, Baoliang Lin in Japan. Stefano Bettocchi, Malzoni M, Minelli L from Italy, Shawki Osama from Egypt,Yap Li Kee from Singapore,Mangeshika from India,  Popov from Russia. They are well-known international recognized scholars who had attend the Annual Beijing-International Gynecological Endoscopy and Mini-invasive Surgery Symposium in 25 years to exchange their idea and experiences, promoted the development of gynecological endoscopy in China, especially the development of hysteroscopy technology.



答:我很荣幸在这个时代成长和工作。我的国家前所未有的强大,有能力送我们出国交流知识和技术。保持与世界各地著名宫腔镜专家的联系,避免绕道而行。在我们每年一度的北京-国际宫腹腔镜与妇科微创技术研讨会议上,25年来邀请到国际知名的法国Bruhat MA, Wattiez A, Canis M;荷兰的Wamsteker K,Emanuel MH 和 de’ Block;美国的Rafael Valle, Franklin Loffer, Linda Bradly, Harry Rich教授;英国的TC Li, Peter O'Donovan教授;澳大利亚的Felix Wong, Peter Maher教授。日本的Baoliang Lin教授。意大利的Stefano Bettocchi, Malzoni M, Minelli L 教授。埃及的Shawki Osama教授;新加坡的Yap Li Kee教授;印度的Mangeshika教授;俄罗斯的Popov等教授讲学,演示手术,交换理念和经验,促进了妇科内镜,尤其是宫腔镜在中国的发展。

△ 与世界各地宫腔镜专家合影